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Top 10 Free Movie Websites to Watch
1. 123Movies
Coming to the top of our list is the 123Movies which straight away comes with registration option which means you will keep receiving all the updates of new streamable movies. This one of the most secure and legal streaming movies sites and has no ads either. All these features gives the site a premium feel while using.With a huge library of movies, you can choose from many mixed categories that you might not have watched from either like sci and fantasy, fan favorites, pre school, black cinema and many more. With tubitv you can be sure to find every single movies that you want to stream starting from the latest to the oldest.
2. 5Movies
One of the most popular free movie streaming sites is 5Movies. You have an unlimited access to the website. It's very easy to operate and navigate through the website. It has a search button to launch you to your favourite movie at a single touch.There are thousands of movies on 5Movies to keep you busy at leisure or when you finally take a break from work. You don't have to sign up on 5Movies to enjoy videos. There are a lot of trendy, popular and latest movies on the website. You can also enjoy wide range of TV series on 5Movies without having to pay a dime or register. Just make sure you have enough data stuck in your device, you can watch movies on the website for 24 hours non-stop.
3. BMovies
There are so many versions of BMovies available out there so don’t get confused among them. They are built because some of the domain extensions are blocked in many countries. Right on the home page you can see a list of all latest uploaded movies which you can start watching right away. There is a special dedicated page available for TV shows for free streaming online. This website shows new movies list on a separate page and new episodes of TV shows as well. You can also subscribe to this movie to get notified about the latest movie uploads.
4. FMovies
When you want to stream movies and TV series easily without the fuss of popping ads every two minutes, you should visit FMovies.This web is quite great when compared to other streaming websites because basically it has user friendly interface, so anyone can use it with ease. Well, the less-ads feature makes movie streaming on this website looks smoother.You can browse any movies or shows effortlessly here. The navigation menu is so easy to use. There are lots of categories to help you, including from its genres, titles, ratings, countries, and others.
5. GoMovies
GoMovies is one of the easiest websites to use and offers a great deal of exceptional streaming services. There are thousands of free movie on SnagFilm and some series are also on the platform to keep you at leisure. There are just some advertisement pop-ups on SnagFilm unlike some websites that fill a larger percentage of their movies with advertisements.This website has movies of different genres, from Action, Politics, Romance, Animation, Crime, Drama, Spirituality etc. These movies are available in manifolds for the enjoyment and satisfaction of viewers. A section of the website provides you with new and popular movies so as to stay updated with what is happening in the entertainment world. Despite being a free streaming website, GoMovies is one of the few websites with high quality movies. No subscription fee is required to join the platform neither do you have to sign-up to stream your favourite movies.
6. Putlocker
Putlocker is one of the best free movie websites to stream new release movies online free. This movie site has huge data base of free movies. Here you’ll find new as well as old movies and classic movies too. To watch movies here you don’t have to pay a single penny and no need to create account. Movies are separated in different genres and by Release Year. Also you can find movies by country and by Alphabetically A-Z List.
7. SolarMovie
Are you craving for an excellent movie streaming website? You can't get less on SolarMovie. This website is very unique in the way of arrangement and organisation of their services. Not just that you have access to a thousands of movies free of charge, you don't need to sign up on SolarMovie.You can enjoy a lot of movies, series and Documentaries on the website.The website is a home to new movies and superb TV shows. The design of the website is enough to lure you into staying on the website for a whole day, coupled with the fact that it has a search button which you can use to spring up your favorite movie without stress.Movies from Action, Drama, War, Sport, Crime and Comedy genres are available on SolarMovie. Unlike many other websites that pop up too much advertisements in the course of video, SolarMovie limits that ads despite being a completely free streaming site. Watch movies on SolarMovie in HD quality, and enjoy yourself.
8. XMovies8
XMovies8 enjoys a similar level of popularity with other well-known streaming websites like Netflix and Prime Video. You get a massive collection of TV shows and movies in its library. You can also use it to download your favorite movies and TV series to watch them later on. It comes with an easy to use interface and navigation mechanism. You can easily access its correctly categorized sections to search for options like newly added, upcoming movies, etc. Moreover, you can also binge-watch your favorite series on its app.
9. YesMovies
This brings us to the top 4 on this list which is the YesMovies. This is a mixture of our top rated sites like the tubitv and YesMovies, which include both the features of excellent movies collection as well as their own rating system that are classified into Hot, Top Views Today, Top favorite and Top Rating category. With YesMovies you don’t have to sign up so you can go ahead and enjoy streaming movies, right after visiting the site.
10. YMovies
This a new movie streaming site to watch latest movies online for free. If you want to watch latest movies and tv series online as soon as they release then YMovies is the site you need. This site has all latest Hollywood movies as well as classic movies to watch. No only movies you can watch your favorite tv shows and latest episode for free. To watch movies or tv series you don’t need an account but if you register for free account then some special features will be unlocked for you. Also you can request them to add your favourite movies if its not available in the site.
Best Free HD Anime Streaming Sites
1. 9Anime
This is simply one of the best places to watch free anime episodes and follow up with new ones. It is a premium streaming platform and a home to hundreds of thousands of animated stuff. Every content on 9Anime is available for free with no restrictions. On the 9Anime website, it is straightforward to navigate and get out the kind of anime films to watch.9Anime is one of the most visited anime streaming websites on the internet. Well, it has a lightweight interface and loads very fast on all networks; thus, it should have a lot of users.
2. AnimeHeaven
Now, you will not only stream anime movies, but also you can download them and playback anytime later on portable media players. The AnimeHeaven website is free for everyone to get access to and watch interesting/intriguing anime films; episodes are equally available. Already, AnimeHeaven receives millions of daily users on its website; therefore, the site is consistently updated with new movies almost every hour.Also, you’ll be able to get the specific genres of anime you wish to watch using the “quick filter” option or navigate to the styles you want. AnimeHeaven s very light, user-friendly, and there are so many animes to watch. Remember, you can download the animes on AnimeHeaven for further entertainment.
3. GoGoAnime
GoGoAnime is completely free on this list of top anime streaming sites. You will get all the popular anime series, current series, cartoons and movies.It allows users to download videos of different video quality. So, if you are looking for a website that can not only download videos but also stream them, then GoGoAnime is the ideal choice for you.
4. KissAnime
The next anime streaming site is KissAnime. The site claims to play anime series and movies in ultra-high definition quality. It features Japan's top-rated anime series. The site is unique in that part of it shows the release schedule for upcoming anime episodes.It also has a feature that allows users to request anime to add from an existing list of series that they already own. Finally, all anime series and episodes are appropriately classified based on their respective genres to speed up access.
5. MasterAnime
The name tells you that you’ll find some crazy stuff on this website. Yeah, this is an exciting anime website where you can watch various categories of anime movies for free. This website provides you with cartoons and dubbed anime from its extensive library.Full episodes of these movies are freely available for streaming in high-quality output. Most interestingly, you do not need to sign-up before accessing the videos on CatoonCrazy. You could bookmark this website and get back to it anytime you need to feed your eye with some cool cartoon or anime series.
Best Websites To Watch Korean Drama With English Subtitles
1. DramaCool
This website has a good selection of drama with impressive genre distribution. The quality of the drama is exceptional and easy to navigate between episodes. The sound quality of the drama and its subtitles are note-worthy and is done exceptionally well. This site is legal and is free to use without any need to sign-in. Advertisements are scarce if not present at all. The user interface is easy and interactive along with pleasing aesthetics. Moreover, this website is safe compared to most other websites when coming in terms of underage users. Hence this website is recommended for underage users for safe viewing of your favorite Korean drama.
2. KissAsian
This is undoubtedly one of the coolest websites providing Korean and Japanese dramas series. This website has been launched recently and that’s why this website is not able to provide you with the old series which is released years ago. So, please make sure about this point and if you want to stream new latest releases of Korean dramas, then this website is the most suitable option in this list for you.